The Power of No: Transforming Your Work Habits for Maximum Efficiency. Trying is not to late to do

Yohlin L
3 min readJun 15, 2024

Have you at any point felt like you’re shuffling 1,000,000 assignments immediately, yet as yet falling behind? You’re in good company. In the present quick moving world, performing various tasks is many times hailed as a definitive efficiency sponsor. In any case, imagine a scenario where I let you know that this apparently proficient propensity is really undermining your prosperity.

The Legend of Performing multiple tasks

Envision you’re attempting to prepare supper, answer work messages, and get up to speed with your #1 Program all simultaneously. Sounds recognizable, isn’t that so? While it could feel like you’re achieving more, studies have shown that performing various tasks can decrease efficiency by up to 40%. This outlandish truth is upheld by neuroscience: our minds are just not wired to at the same time deal with different assignments. All things considered, we wind up exchanging quickly between errands, which prompts expanded errors and stress.

The Expense of Separated Consideration

At the point when you endeavor to perform various tasks, your consideration is partitioned, and the nature of your work endures. Ponder the last time you attempted to compose a significant email while partaking in…



Yohlin L

Writing inspires me, inspiring you, inspiring others